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These tours must be scheduled in advance and typically last 1 to 1.5 hours.  Each tour includes history of the farm and creamery,  visiting the milking parlor, calves, and samples. Tours are Monday through Friday, unless it is a holiday.

Field Trips : Elementary -High School

Due to the overwhelming requests for tours, we have decided to implement the following guidelines for guided Field Trips. 


Available from March 1st to July 31st

Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm


We will be closed due to:

Harvest Season-August thru October

Cold Weather-November thru February

Due to space restrictions, no more than 25-30 people per group (including children and adults) 


$25.00 per class

 Teacher and aides for the class are free

Adults of children attending tour with class $5.00

Tour spots will be on a first come first served availability.  

If for any reason a tour needs to be cancelled, we need to know via email ( by 8am the day of the tour, and we cannot guarantee rescheduling availability. 

A Tour typically lasts 1 to 1.5 hours and includes: 
Visiting the baby calves 
Visiting the older calves 
Seeing the milking parlor 
Instore presentation about farm animals and dairy products
Visitors will learn about what the animals eat, their life cycles, and much more! 


Please contact us via email or phone to learn more.  

*We cannot allow visitors in the processing plant*

On vacation or just wanting to visit the farm? No problem! Our farm is open to visitors any day we are open for self guided tours. 

Come and help feed the baby calves around 2:45 pm and watch the cows being milked at 3:00pm everyday. If you can't come in the afternoon, you can still visit and see the baby calves and whole farm. 

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© 2023 Saxton Strategies | Mt. Crawford Creamery

Photo Credit: Bessie Black Photography

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